Matching a Head With a Peavy Delta Blues

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Peavey Delta Blues/ Classic Blues comparison

  • Thread starter mattthefiddler
  • Start date
  • #1
I am in the market for a new amp/ Cab...

I have only played the Delta Blues 210, and have to say the tone was quite impressive with my 6 string electric violin, probably better than almost anything else I have played on it. (that is a peizo based electric violin)

I am not set on a combo amp vs. a head/ stack combo just yet.. and was wondering, for those who have played both the classic 30 and the Delta Blues, really how similar are their tones, and especially their breaking up? Lots of people say that they are very similar circuits, with the exception of a couple of add ons in the DB.

Electric violins are a lot more finicky than electric guitars, especially in the treble range... and over half of the amps that I love to play my Gibson 335 through just don't cut it for this violin.



woops! image fixed

  • #2
Nothing definitive, (especially because I have no idea what en electric violen needs in an amp) except...I have owned a Peavey Classic 30 combo for a few's mainly a backup or home amp, I use it now and then and am always impressed with it. It was not beefy enough just the one cab, for rehearsals though for my sound, but I didn't use an extension speaker or anything...which would have helped.

But it has some excellent clean and OD sounds in it. I liked playing straight into it. I played in a band for a while where the other guitarist bought a new Delta Blues (but with a single 15" speaker in the combo) and I was pretty blown away by the sound of it. It seemed like it was the C30 but more. May (almost certainly) have been a lot due to the 15", it was pretty middy...but I don't know if that was the other guitarists way of setting it.
THe "boost" option was just as crappy as on the C30 (I think it gets way too dark with it, and indistinct) but the amp sounded pretty incredible.

Of the would really be a toss-up. I think either one would be a safe buy for any gutarist, but violin...I don't have a clue.

  • #3
Thanks for the reply...

I know the delta blues 210 is perfectly matched for me to plug directly into... I am just trying to figure out how similiar to the classic really is to it.... I don't need volume... this is for tone and the overdrive... :) I might look at the classic head... but having never played one... it will take a lot of work to find one to play.

  • #4
I own the Delta Blues 1x15 and have played the Classic 30 quite a bit as well. I'd say the Delta Blues 1x15 is an excellent single channel amp (more on this later) and I agree that it is most likely due to the speaker. The sound is just more "there". More beefy and ballsy. I always get positive comments on my tone with this amp.

I basically use it as a single channel amp, using only the clean channel. In the overdrive channel, the bottom seems to drop out and the tone loses its dimensionality. If you go the Delta Blues 1x15 route, I'd recommend getting a good OD pedal (I mostly use the OCD with this amp) and use it as a single channel with a boost.

  • #5
I regulary play a classic 50 w/ greenbacks. I played around a Delta 1x15 and it had a great tone just like my c50. Definately a big sounds from that 15".. From what I inderstand the curcuits are almost identical between the blues and classic 30/50 save for the fact the Delta has tremolo..
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